E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2006

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD SPEC MTG RE: SEACREST CAMPUS MINUTES

Special Meeting/Workshop

  1. Convene: 4:15 p.m.
  2. Public Comments: Jan Porter
  3. RE-1 Approve Interlocal Agreement – Seacrest Campus
    Minutes: On February 20, 2002 the School Board approved an Interlocal Agreement between the School Board and the City of Delray Beach, permitting the City to purchase up to 15 acres for soccer complex on the Seacrest Campus site located at 2501 Seacrest Boulevard.

    The City of Delray would like to exercise its option to purchase 7.42 acres from the School Board for construction of the soccer complex.

    The City will assume 100% of the soccer complex maintenance costs.

    The City may purchase additional land for parking (not to exceed the 7.58 acres) after the new Middle School site plan has been completed.

    The Agreement grants the School Board use of the soccer complex.

    The value of $112,500 per acre as determined by the 2002 Interlocal Agreement was Board approved on February 20, 2002.

    The purchase price for the 7.42 acres is $834,750.00.

    Amendment No. 1 Interlocal Agreement addresses the Jessica Lunsford Act, which requires the City to screen all employees and contractual personnel permitted to access School Facilities when students are present.

    Board Members discussed the following topics: use of the county owned pool; reverter clause; soccer field; parking; and outdoor theatre.

    I recommend the School Board approve the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Delray Beach for the purchase and construction of a soccer complex and joint use of land and facilities at the Seacrest Campus, approve Amendment No. 1 Interlocal Agreement; and authorize the Superintendent and Chairman to sign all necessary documents. - PASS
    Vote Results:
      Motion: Mark Hansen
      Second: Bill Graham
      Tom Lynch - Aye
      Sandra Richmond - Aye
      Paulette Burdick - Nay
      Mark Hansen - Aye
      Debra Robinson - Aye
      Bill Graham - Aye

  4. Adjourn: 4:20 p.m.


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